News & Information

MNEA LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS RECOMMEND CANDIDATES FOR SCHOOL BOARD Missouri School Board Elections are Tues., April 8, 2025. To report candidates recommended by your local association, please send the name...
By Otto Fajen MNEA Legislative Director CAPITOL ACTION DAYS Capitol Action Days are part of the Association's plan to promote positive policy for public education. MNEA's Capitol Action Days occur...
March 2025 Agenda A Resolution to Honor Dallas DeWeese as Missouri’s 2025 Milken Educator MNEA Member, Dallas DeWeese of Hollister Middle School (Hollister NEA) was recognized and honored at the State...
Join AAA for only $55 MNEA is pleased to partner with AAA for their Group Membership Program. With AAA, you receive the following: 24-hour roadside assistance. Free towing * Free tire change Free lock...
By Otto Fajen MNEA Legislative Director ACCREDITATION AND ASSESSMENT REFORMS The Senate Education Committee heard SB 360 (Jill Carter) on February 25. The bill would support local control and reduce...
Each month NEA features three books as part of the NEA Read Across America book series that explore topics related to diversity and inclusion. Help us celebrate. Share what you're reading this month...
By Otto Fajen MNEA Legislative Director CAPITOL ACTION DAYS Due to inclement weather, Missouri NEA canceled the Capitol Action Day for Wednesday, February 19th. The Association is sorry for any...
Approval of the Updated K-12 Missouri School Counseling Learning Standards The Office of College and Career Readiness presented the updated K-12 Missouri School Counseling Learning Standards based on...
By Otto Fajen MNEA Legislative Director WINTER STORM AFFECTS SESSION The House rearranged committee schedules to complete most hearings on February 11 and perfected four House bills on that day. The...
By Otto Fajen Trustees present Beth Knes, Chair Chuck Bryant, Vice Chair Allie Gassman Dr. Nate Moore Dr. D. Eric Park Amanda Perschall Katie Webb SYSTEM OPERATIONS The Board meeting started at 9:00 a...
By Otto Fajen MNEA Legislative Director CAPITOL ACTION DAYS BEGIN! Capitol Action Days are part of the Association's plan to promote positive policy for public education. MNEA's Capitol Action Days...
MNEA has partnered with Avila University and VESi to offer members a yearly subscription to online graduate courses for $250 per year. You can enroll in one course per term or two courses during the...
MNEA is accepting nominations for the positions of NEA Director, MNEA Board of Directors, MNEA PAC Executive Council, and MNEA Review Board. Please scroll down to find more information about...
Presidential executive orders threaten to take away funds from our public schools and funnel tax-payer money to elite private schools able to discriminate against kids based on disability or their...
Missouri NEA Weekly Legislative Update Week 4, January 31, 2025 By Otto Fajen MNEA Legislative Director CAPITOL ACTION DAYS BEGIN! Capitol Action Days are part of the Association's plan to promote...
By Otto Fajen MNEA Legislative Director LEGISLATURE CONVENES AFTER MLK HOLIDAY The legislature convened on January 21. Several Senate and House committees met this week, though meeting times were...
The 2025 Missouri legislative session began Jan. 8. Are you ready for the action? Sign up to attend Capitol Action Days Capitol Action Days are part of MNEA’s comprehensive Government Relations plan...
Presentation on Teacher Workforce Data, the Missouri Teacher Recruitment and Retention Playbook, and the Missouri Educator Job Board Dr. Paul Katnik, Assistant Commissioner in the Office of Educator...
The NEA Legislative Committee invites NEA members to attend the committee’s 2025 listening sessions as the 119th Congress begins! As a member of the Missouri NEA, you also have a team of members and...
On January 5, 2025, educators and public employees across Missouri and the nation celebrated a monumental victory as President Joe Biden signed the bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act (SSFA) into...
Missouri NEA members have achieved a remarkable milestone: They collected 2,987 signatures statewide to nominate Amanda Perschall for the Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of...
The 2025 Missouri legislative session opened on January 8, bringing lawmakers, advocates, and education leaders to Jefferson City. With education and tax reform dominating the agenda, Missouri...
This summer, thousands of educators from across the nation will gather in Portland, Oregon, for the National Education Association (NEA) Representative Assembly (RA), scheduled for July 2–6, 2025. The...
The Missouri legislature holds a special distinction: It is home to more current and former members of the Missouri National Education Association (MNEA) and National Education Association (NEA) than...
By Otto Fajen MNEA Legislative Director LEGISLATURE TO OBSERVE MLK HOLIDAY The legislature concluded the session for the week on January 16. Both chambers will observe the Martin Luther King Holiday...
SESSION BEGINS The 2025 legislative session began at noon on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Newly elected members were sworn in, and key leadership elections were held during the session. The Senate...
It’s a new year and a good time to get your financial house in order! The start of a new year is a great time to take charge of your financial future! As a valued educator, you’re shaping the minds of...
Are you facing a mound of student loan debt? Leverage your MNEA Member Benefits by using the NEA Student Debt Navigator. It really works! The first year is offered free of charge. This easy-to-use...
The legislation will directly benefit 45,154 Missourians, including current and retired educators JEFFERSON CITY, MO — The Missouri National Education Association applauds Congress' historic vote to...
By Otto Fajen, MNEA legislative director Trustees present: Beth Knes, Chair Chuck Bryant, Vice Chair Allie Gassman Dr. Nate Moore Dr. D. Eric Park Katie Webb BUDGET AND AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING Annual...
1) Report on the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP) 6 Annual Performance Report (APR) Release DESE delivered a report on the recent MSIP APR release for the State Board as a discussion item...
Public School K-12 Student Essay and Visual Art Contest The Missouri NEA Human Rights Committee is sponsoring the 2025 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Art and Essay Contest for K-12 public school students...
Encourage your high school students and Aspiring Educators to apply for these scholarships. Through the generosity of Missouri NEA's past leaders and the Educators Rising Program, MNEA is able to...
In the spirit of the giving season, consider contributing to one or both of the charitable funds below. Contributions to the MNEA Charitable Fund and CHEER Fund are tax deductible. Rest assured...
NEA Representative Assembly 2025 July 2-6, 2025 Portland Missouri’s delegate allocation will be made based on membership as of January 2025. Last year, Missouri was allowed to elect 23 state delegates...
Save up to 15% off tickets for Silver Dollar City and Showboat Branson Belle. Experience the magic of the holiday season in Branson! Revel in the lights, savor the festive food, enjoy captivating...
The legislation, if enacted, will help guarantee a secure retirement for thousands of Missouri educators. JEFFERSON CITY, MO — The Missouri National Education Association applauds the U.S. House's...
What is American Education Week? American Education Week—Nov. 18-22, 2024—celebrates public education and recognizes that educators, families, support professionals, school boards, administrators, and...
By Otto Fajen, MNEA Legislative Director Trustees present: Beth Knes (Chair), Chuck Bryant (Vice Chair), Allie Gassman, Dr. Nate Moore, Dr. D. Eric Park, Katie Webb SYSTEM OPERATIONS The Board...
In Part 3, Political Director Liz Zerr and MNEA Communications Director Mark Jones give an overview of the general election races and ballot issues. They also discuss what action steps you and friends...
Consideration of Adopting a Resolution to Honor Jennifer Jones, Missouri Teacher of the Year Jennifer Jones, an English teacher at West High School in the Lee’s Summit School District, was officially...
Are you a National Board Candidate who needs a boost to get started or just a little advice on submitting your components? Sign up for the no-cost MNEA NBC Boost Days. Dates (Virtual) Sat., Nov. 9...
Addressing bullying in schools is undoubtedly NOT a one-size-fits-all approach. Teachers and education support professionals want students to feel safe from physical threats, emotional harm...
Preparation is the key to successful outcomes. NEA's Praxis Study Sessions help you prepare. Registration is free, but space is limited. NEA is offering a series of Praxis content sessions to help you...
Are you a fan of fun? Did you know that as a member of Missouri NEA, you get a discount on tickets to Branson attractions such as Silver Dollar City and Showboat Branson Belle? Branson is one of the...
Westin Crown Center Kansas City, Missouri Nov. 22-24, 2024 No cost to attend. Register by Oct. 27. Missouri NEA Member-Led Fall Conference, taking place November 22-24, 2024, at the Westin Crown...
Need a little financial boost to assist with a classroom or school project? Apply for a CHEER grant by Nov. 1. Grants of up to $400 each will be awarded to MNEA members for worthy projects...
Financial experts say you'll need about 70-80% of your pre-retirement income to maintain your current lifestyle. Are you saving enough to have the lifestyle you want? Pay yourself first! It's not just...
Finding the resources and discipline to invest regularly for retirement is challenging for many people. Knowing HOW to invest your money may be even more challenging. Until now... As an employee of a...
Help protect your family—at no cost to you— Name your beneficiaries. Every member receives up to $150,000 in Life and Accident Insurance at NO COST. NEA provides complimentary life insurance with your...