MNEA Leadership Positions: Nominations and Announcement

MNEA is accepting nominations for the positions of NEA Director, MNEA Board of Directors, MNEA PAC Executive Council, and MNEA Review Board. Please scroll down to find more information about nominations. 

Missouri NEA is pleased to announce the election by acclamation of Rebeka McIntosh as MNEA president, Andy Slaughter as MNEA vice president, and DeNaé Bush as NEA Director. Each declared their candidacy at the MNEA RA in April 2024 and were running unopposed. Their terms will begin on August 1, 2025. 



MNEA Executive Officers 

Rebeka McIntoshRebeka McIntosh  
MNEA President

McIntosh has served as MNEA vice president since Aug. 1, 2019. She worked as a teacher at the Center for Alternative Instructional Resources in the Grandview C-4 School District, when she served as a local president and chair of the West Central Governance District Council. McIntosh has served as an NEA R.A. state delegate, as a member of the MNEA Board of Directors, and as chair of the MNEA Bylaws Committee. She served two terms on the NEA Sexual Orientation/Gender Identification Committee and was a Regional Director for the NEA GLBT Caucus. Rebeka led and worked on many advocacy and social justice teams for NEA and MNEA, including Trauma-Informed Schools, Professional Learning Communities, and LGBTQ+ issues. She also served as the chairperson of the Kansas City Child Abuse and Neglect Review Board. She was serving her first term as NEA Director when she was elected to her current position of MNEA vice president.   

Executive Administrative Assistant: Lauren Vinson (, (573) 644-9606).

1810 E Elm Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101


Andy SlaughterAndy Slaughter 
MNEA Vice President

Andy Slaughter, a middle school social studies teacher in the Meramec Valley School District in Pacific, MO, began his term as NEA Director in November 2019. Slaughter served as a building representative for three years in his local affiliate, vice president for three years, and president for three years. Prior to his election as NEA Director, he served as a member of the Missouri NEA Board of Directors, a position he had held for four years. Slaughter has also served as a delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly, as a member of the MNEA executive PAC council for 10 years, and as a member of numerous screening committees for local and statewide elections.




DeNaé Bush 
Denar BushNEA Director

DeNaé Bush, a K-12 Special Education Instructional Coach and Elementary ESY Coordinator in the Park Hill School District in Kansas City, MO, began her term as NEA Director in April 2024. Bush, a graduate of MNEA’s Future Leaders' Academy, served as a building representative for five years for Park Hill NEA, Membership Chair for 4 years, and on the Public Relations Team. She has served as a state delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly, as a member of the MNEA Teaching and Learning and Human Rights Committees, and as a national facilitator for NEA’s Leaders for Just Schools. Prior to her election as NEA Director, she represented Governance District 5 on the Missouri NEA Board of Directors. Bush serves her local community in various roles, including an 11-year commitment to Big Brothers Big Sisters.



Your voice matters. 

Member involvement is absolutely critical for a strong MNEA. Please consider serving in one of these essential positions. With the election of the President and Vice President complete, nominations are now open for the following leadership positions: 

  • NEA Board of Directors
  • MNEA Board of Directors
  • MNEA PAC Executive Council
  • MNEA Review Board 

The strength and direction of MNEA depend on the active participation of our members. These positions play a crucial role in determining our union's priorities and strategies. They have a direct impact on the decisions that shape our collective future. 

If elected, you would work alongside fellow members from across the state, collaborate on important issues, and directly contribute to the growth and strength of MNEA. 

Elections will be conducted online and at the MNEA Representative Assembly in April. Information about each position is found below. If you have any questions about serving as any of the above-listed positions, please contact Executive Administrative Assistant Lauren Vinson (, (573) 644-9606).

Directors to the NEA Board of Directors

MNEA’s two NEA Directors represent MNEA members on the NEA Board of Directors and serve on the Executive Committee of MNEA. They are members of the MNEA Board of Directors and ex-officio members of all MNEA Committees. NEA Directors lobby Congress, debate/adopt NEA policy and budget matters, participate in trainings with NEA partners, and serve on NEA committees. NEA Directors act as a resource for communication and information for leaders and members statewide.

NEA Directors travel to Washington, DC, three to four times each year for a week of NEA business. The NEA Board meets frequently online in between Superweeks. The term of office is three years and begins on September 1. Nominations are open for an unexpired 1-year term. 

Nominations are due by 5:00 p.m., February 21, 2025


MNEA Board of Directors

The Board of Directors serves as the governing body of MNEA between meetings of the Representative Assembly. The Board oversees the implementation of the goals, policy, and budget set by the RA. Directors act as a resource for communication and information for leaders and members in their Governance District.

The Board meets in person six times during the year and virtually, as needed. Directors serve as liaisons to MNEA Committees and attend the Representative Assembly and Summer Leadership Conference. A two-day Board planning Retreat is held in July.  

The Board of Directors consists of:
• Officers,
• Governance District Directors,
• an MNEA-R Director,
• a Native People and People of Color Director,
• an Education Support Professional Director,
• a Higher Education Director,
• an Aspiring Educator Director, and
• At-Large Directors representing Education Support Professionals, Higher Education, and Native People/People of Color members sufficient to meet MNEA’s representation goals.  

The term of office for Board members is three years and begins on August 1. At-Large and Aspiring Educator Directors serve for one year. No one may serve on the Board for more than eight years in the same office.  

Governance Districts 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 – one seat open for nomination
Governance Districts 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 – two seats open for nomination
Native People/People of Color members- one seat open for nomination
Higher Education members- one seat open for nomination
Education Support Professional members- one seat open for nomination

Nominations for the Board of Directors will also be taken from the floor of the Representative Assembly. Online declarations of candidacy will be repeated from the floor of the RA.  

MNEA PAC Executive Council

The purpose of the MNEA Political Action Committee is to engage in bipartisan political action supporting candidates for public office who advocate for public education and public sector unions. Any MNEA member who contributes to the MNEA Political Action Fund is a member of MNEA PAC for each year in which a contribution is made.

The MNEA PAC Executive Council sets operating policies for the MNEA PAC, reviews recommendations for state and federal elections, makes endorsement recommendations, and approves expenditures.  The Council holds 1-2 in-person meetings each year and meets virtually, as needed, to conduct Council business.  Council members are expected to serve as a resource for communication and information for leaders and members in their Governance District and with their legislative representatives.  

The Executive Council is composed of:

  • Two representatives from each Governance District
  • Two MNEA-R members (elected by MNEA-R)
  • One aspiring Educator member (elected by MNEA AE)
  • The MNEA PAC officers
  • The NEA Directors
  • One MNEA staff representative
  • At-large members are elected to represent Higher Education and Education Support Professional members if those membership categories are not represented through Governance District elections. Native People and People of Color members shall be elected to meet MNEA’s representation goals.

There are two open positions in each governance district. The term of office for MNEA PAC Executive Council members is two years and begins April 15. At-large members will serve for a term of one (1) year. 

Nominations are due by 5:00 pm, February 21, 2025.  

MNEA Review Board

The MNEA Review Board conducts hearings addressing violations of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession or other misconduct.

The Review Board is composed of one member representing each Governance District elected at the RA in odd numbered years.  

The MNEA Review Board, required by the MNEA Constitution and Bylaws, has rarely been convened.  

There are two open positions, one member and one alternate, from each Governance District. The term of office is two years and begins upon election.