Something Better
MNEA's Flagship publication
Something Better is MNEA’s online magazine. Members can expect to receive this magazine three times per year delivered to their home email addresses. MNEA features accomplishments and personal stories of members as well as issues affecting public school students and staff.
Feature Articles
On January 5, 2025, educators and public employees across Missouri and the nation celebrated a monumental victory as President Joe Biden signed the bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act (SSFA) into...
Missouri NEA members have achieved a remarkable milestone: They collected 2,987 signatures statewide to nominate Amanda Perschall for the Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of...
The 2025 Missouri legislative session opened on January 8, bringing lawmakers, advocates, and education leaders to Jefferson City. With education and tax reform dominating the agenda, Missouri...
This summer, thousands of educators from across the nation will gather in Portland, Oregon, for the National Education Association (NEA) Representative Assembly (RA), scheduled for July 2–6, 2025. The...
The Missouri legislature holds a special distinction: It is home to more current and former members of the Missouri National Education Association (MNEA) and National Education Association (NEA) than...
Opponents of public education are increasingly using manufactured social issues to discredit public schools and educators. These plots have one purpose: to privatize education and profit from students...
Dr. Karla Eslinger is now serving as Missouri's Commissioner of Education, having stepped into the role following the retirement of Commissioner Margie Vandeven at the end of June 2024. Dr. Karla...
MNEA held Capitol Action Days from February to early May. Members from around the state sent postcards to legislators to share positive messages on key policy topics. While it can be challenging to...
Kristen Engle, a dedicated MNEA member and middle school English Language Arts teacher from Rockwood School District, has been named the 2024 Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) Educator of...
MNEA's Back-to-School Celebrations Spark Excitement Missouri NEA locals have been hosting back-to-school events across the state as local unions welcome teachers and students back for the 2024-2025...
To place an ad, contact Mark Jones ( at (573) 644-9609.
Story Submission
To submit stories or leads for Something Better or information about awards won by MNEA members for "Our People," contact MNEA Communications Director Mark Jones at
Address Change
To submit a change of address to ensure you receive every issue, contact your MNEA regional office.