Member Benefits & Discounts

Just as you are devoted to education, Missouri NEA is devoted to members like you. We want to help you get the maximum value for your money at every stage of your life. 

Thanks to the buying power of more than 30,000 Missouri NEA members and 3 million NEA members nationwide, you can save more than your dues by participating in these valuable money-saving programs.

Members and their families deserve the best. All programs are tailored to your needs with superior service being our top priority. Each program is carefully analyzed to ensure it meets MNEA’s and NEA’s rigorous standards for quality, value, and service.

Contact MNEA Manager of Enterprise Operations Pam Koetting at or (573) 644-9601.

The member benefits you receive with your MNEA membership is just one of the many reasons members say they stay with MNEA. Many members have reported by using their member benefits, they save more than the cost of their dues. Members receive discounts on everyday shopping, restaurants, movie tickets, hotels, travel, rental cars, auto-purchases, and reduced-cost, top-notch home and auto insurance...
More than 50 years of supporting members. NEA Member Benefits' enduring promise is to make NEA members’ lives better. Through our carefully vetted, best-in-class programs and services, as well as know-how and solutions, to help you be an empowered consumer. We are here to help you make the most of your membership every day. Plan for a secure future. Maximize your hard-earned dollars. Receive...
Help protect your family—at no cost to you— Register your beneficiaries. Every member receives up to $150,000 in Life and Accident Insurance at NO COST. NEA provides complimentary life insurance with your Missouri NEA membership. You’ll receive four levels of coverage $1,000 of life insurance. Up to $5,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage; $1,000 per year benefit up to maximum...

Latest Member Benefit Highlights

Are you a fan of fun? Did you know that as a member of Missouri NEA, you get a discount on tickets to Branson attractions such as Silver Dollar City and Showboat Branson Belle? Branson is one of the...
Join AAA for only $55 MNEA is pleased to partner with AAA for their Group Membership Program. With AAA, you receive the following: 24-hour roadside assistance. Free towing * Free tire change Free lock...
MNEA has partnered with Avila University and VESi to offer members a yearly subscription to online graduate courses for $250 per year. You can enroll in one course per term or two courses during the...
Are you facing a mound of student loan debt? Leverage your MNEA Member Benefits by using the NEA Student Debt Navigator. It really works! The first year is offered free of charge. This easy-to-use...
It’s a new year and a good time to get your financial house in order! The start of a new year is a great time to take charge of your financial future! As a valued educator, you’re shaping the minds of...