Union Representation & Legal Services
Count on MNEA for Legal Services.
No one likes to think about the things that could go wrong in the course of one's employment.
As an educator, you perform your work in the best interests of students. You are conscientious and well-intentioned. When you learn of other educators caught up in legal battles, you often think, "It will never happen to me." But the truth is it can happen to anyone.
MNEA members go to work, secure in the knowledge that their membership provides them with legal protection and a well-trained team of advocates working to safeguard their professional careers. It is protection today's educators can't afford to be without.
MNEA members can also count on assistance for personal legal matters through the Association's Attorney Referral Program. This program provides free consultations and discounted legal fees.
Click on the links below to find more information about the legal coverages and protections members receive with MNEA and NEA membership.