Make a Political Contribution
Getting involved in political action is the key to supporting the promise of public education and education employees’ rights. Your contribution to MNEA-PAC makes you part of positive change in Missouri schools.
Missouri NEA has a political action committee (PAC) to pool funds that are used to help elect candidates to public office who support the interests of children and public education as well as support the MNEA Resolutions.
Elected officials make decisions that translate into regulations for schools and classrooms, including smaller class sizes, full-time kindergarten, pre-school screenings, school-safety measures, professional development, and ample funding for programs.
Only after the MNEA Executive PAC Council has completed a lengthy recommendation process, interviewing candidates, scrutinizing the records of those in public office, studying candidates' responses to questions about education-related issues are direct PAC contributions made to support those states' legislative candidates who measure up.
Money for political activity comes from voluntary contributions. Non-members are welcome to contribute the Taxpayers in Support of Public Education Fund.
Contributions or gifts to MNEA-PAC or TISPE are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. State law requires MNEA to report the name and mailing address of any individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $100 in a calendar year to the Missouri Ethics Commission.
For more information, contact MNEA Political Director Elizabeth Zerr at or (573) 644-9610.
Contribute to PAC
Missouri NEA has a political action committee (PAC) to pool funds that are used to help elect candidates to public office who support the interests of children and public education as well as support MNEA’s Resolutions. One-half of MNEA-PAC contributions go back to the local association to help with campaigns to elect school board candidates, bonds, and levies that benefit public schools.
Contribute to TISPE
Taxpayers in Support of Public Education is a Political Action Committee that Missouri NEA participates in. It often supports work we do in a coalition with other like-minded organizations and contributors. The funds are used in strategic and targeted political battles that support MNEA’s Legislative Platform and positions.
Contribute to the NEA Fund for Children and Public Education
As the NEA’s national PAC, this Fund provides direct financial support to pro-public recommended candidates for President, the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, governor, and other important state races who will support teachers, staff, and students and improve public education.