Enroll Today: $250 for three graduate courses

MNEA has partnered with Avila University and VESi to offer members a yearly subscription to online graduate courses for $250 per year. You can enroll in one course per term or two courses during the summer (if you skip fall or spring), for a total of 3 courses per year.



Online Courses for Educators

Choose from over 30 online courses for re-certification/pay raise purposes. 

Complete Course List  

When and Where You Want

Learn online at your own pace from the convenience of your home

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Course topics include...Assessment, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Classroom Management, Common Core, Differentiated Instruction, Diversity & Inclusion, Early Childhood, Elementary/Secondary Math Concepts, English Language Learner, Mental Health, Reading & Writing, Talented & Gifted Students, Violence & Bullying