Leader Resource Center

We are Missouri NEA! 

The Leader Resource Center is a one-stop shop for local association leaders. Find reference documents and manuals, bylaws and resolutions, bulletin board flyers, MNEA logos, templates, membership materials, and more. If you need help devising an organizing plan to boost membership or build strategies for collective bargaining, we are here to help. Contact your UniServ director at your local MNEA Regional Office

Missouri NEA local association presidents, treasurers, and membership chairs, stay on track with your local association's business affairs. Access reference documents and important deadlines to submit forms and applications. Questions? Contact MNEA Governance Executive Administrative Assistance Lauren Vinson (lauren.vinson@mnea.org, (573) 644-9606). Members Only You must be a member to view the...
Are you ready to be a leader in your local association? Attend MNEA trainings, apply to be on a committee, or become a delegate to the MNEA or NEA Representative Assembly. Taking part in the Association is the best way to make contacts with other locals across the state.
Missouri NEA has a knowledgeable, full-time staff located in five offices across the state of Missouri. The MNEA UniServ staff located in regional offices are there to help you develop your membership and organizing campaigns. Contact MNEA regional office administrative assistants assist with your questions about membership, dues payments, member benefits, and a supply of membership materials to...
A crucial part of advocating for public education is electing pro-public education candidates to office and influencing the legislative agenda. Missouri NEA can assist your local team with grassroots advocacy and campaign development. The MNEA Political Director breaks it down into easy-to-tackle steps. Log in to Members Only below to download guides, timelines, and forms to help your local PAC...
MNEA BELIEVES IN THE PLAIN LANGUAGE OF THE MISSOURI CONSTITUTION. Employees shall have the right to "organize and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing." This allows all citizens to join organizations like Missouri NEA, to band together with people of similar interests and objectives, and to present those interests and objectives to governing bodies. Read More about...

Current Membership Campaign

A Stronger Voice. 

Don't just join an organization, get involved in a movement! Together, we are a stronger voice to effect positive change in the way public schools, students, and employees are treated.

#MNEAunited   #MNEAinspires   #MNEAleads

NEA/MNEA dues for first-time members are $219 for certified staff and $139 for non-certified staff, plus local dues, if applicable. 

Downloadables to help with your campaign

Together. Stronger.