NEA's complimentary travel program allows you to book car rentals, cruises, hotels, resorts, and guided tours all in one place—for free. Plan your vacation now and receive amazing low prices on everything you need to take the vacation of your dreams or make a quick weekend getaway.
NEA Travel is available to you as part of your NEA membership and there is no extra charge.
What makes NEA Travel so unique from other discount travel sites?
First, members know NEA Member Benefits is a trusted and valued partner. Members receive discounts a number of discounts and offerings, including financial, insurance professional, and retail products. Members are assured they are receiving the very best products at the best price and can contact Member Services for resolution on any issues they may have.
Second, you can earn NEA Travel Dollars—a type of alternative currency that allows members to use as partial payment on car rentals, cruises, resorts, hotels, and vacation packages. Airfare is excluded. The amount of Travel Dollars that a member can use toward a product varies per product, and it will be shown at the time a member is ready to purchase a product. In addition to dollars off a purchase price, members could receive extra incentives on a product. For instance, they might receive $250 or 25% a hotel room, plus a free room upgrade or a free meal.
Plus, receive an account credit of $500 Travel Dollars when you enroll in the free program and receive an annual deposit to continue saving the most on your travel purchases.