At the Capitol

MNEA members are represented at our nation's Capitol by the National Education Association. Missouri NEA Government Relations keeps you posted about the politics and legislation affecting Missouri public schools, students, education support professionals, and teachers at the state level. 

To review MNEA’s position on issues, check out MNEA's Resolutions.  

MNEA Legislative Director Otto Fajen ( is a constant presence at the Capitol during Legislative Session as the bills are announced and the votes are tallied. MNEA keeps you informed of the action via the Legislative Update and Legislative Action Center.

MNEA Political Director Elizabeth Zerr ( leads the MNEA Educator Advocates Program and MNEA-PAC Council, which is a non-partisan governing body within MNEA that evaluates and recommends candidates based on their agenda for public education.

Take Action on the following items:

2024 REGULAR SESSION WRAP-UP SESSION ENDS ON FINAL DAY The 2024 Regular Session of the General Assembly ended on May 17. The House convened on the final day of session and approved eleven Senate bills...
GOVERNOR SIGNS VOUCHER/CHARTER EXPANSION BILL INTO LAW Governor Parson signed SS#2/SCS/SB 727 (Andrew Koenig) into law on May 7. The Association opposed the bill and appreciates the many Association...
By Otto Fajen, MNEA Legislative Director CAPITOL ACTION DAYS Capitol Action Days are part of the Association's plan to promote positive policy for public education. MNEA's Capitol Action Days...
By Otto Fajen, MNEA Legislative Director BUDGET The Senate Appropriations Committee completed proposed revisions to the House versions of the state budget bills for the next fiscal year on April 24...
CAPITOL ACTION DAYS Capitol Action Days are part of the Association's plan to promote positive policy for public education. MNEA's Capitol Action Days continued April 17 when members from Governance...