Education Students

Missouri NEA is generating enthusiasm for the next generation of education professionals. MNEA has two options for students to join an Association. With membership, you get access to scholarships, leadership opportunities, mentoring, conferences, and contests. College students join an Aspiring Educators chapter on your campus or organize a chapter. Educators Rising is for students in grades 7-12, and Missouri NEA is proud to be the state coordinator of this nationally affiliated program sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa. 

We are the present. We are the future. The MNEA Aspiring Educators Program, part of the National Education Association Aspiring Educators, is the leading voice for the next generation of educators. More than 50,000 members in 1,100 college campus chapters across the nation belong to the program, which began as the Student National Education Association in 1937 and eventually became part of the...
What is Educators Rising? Educators Rising allows students in grades 7-12 to explore careers in education, which is an important step in preparing quality teachers for tomorrow’s schools. PDK International is the national sponsor of EdRising, Missouri NEA is the state sponsor, and Dr. Tami Enso is the state coordinator. EdRising is officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a...