Legal Notices & Articles

Missouri NEA helps you stay informed of changing laws and policies that may affect you and your job. The articles below were written with MNEA members in mind by the MNEA Associate General Counsel. Many can also be found published in the MNEA magazine Something Better

With the prospect of war looming larger with each passing day, many education employees have questions about how military service can affect their jobs with their school districts. Following is a...
Although probationary teachers do not enjoy the same kinds of job protections as permanent (or tenured) teachers, there are several legal issues that are unique to probationary teachers. The...
One of Missouri’s most notable school liability cases involved a student drowning while on a field trip. No swimming was planned, but students waded in the river after eating a picnic in a park nearby...
It is an unfortunate fact of your profession: education employees face many potential complaints and investigations. These potential complaints include everything from allegations of physical and...
Is your New Year’s resolution to become more organized? If so, why not start with your professional records? Whether you’re a teacher, bus driver, school nurse, paraprofessional, or other education...
The First Amendment provides that “Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech…or the right of the people peaceably to assemble.” The Missouri constitution has a similar provision...
Q: How and when do teachers acquire tenure? A: Teachers who have been employed full-time as teachers in the same school district for five consecutive years acquire tenure or permanent teacher status...
Who would make health-care decisions for you in the event you are unable to express your desires yourself? Do you believe your spouse has the right to make those decisions for you? Can your children...
Probationary teachers have few statutory job protections in Missouri. Simply stated, a probationary teacher has no legal right to continuation of his or her job from one year to the next. If the...
Currently, to drive a school bus in Missouri, you must have a “school-bus permit” in addition to your Commercial Driver’s License. Beginning Sept. 30, 2005, your current school bus permit will not...
Have you ever “Googled” yourself? If not, you definitely should! From your home computer, go to , type your name in the search box, sit back, and be amazed at the number of times your...