NEA Representative Assembly

Portland, OR

July 2-6, 2025

The NEA Representative Assembly is one of the largest democratic bodies in the nation. With more than 8,000 delegates representing the state and local NEA affiliates, Aspiring Educators, retired members, and others from the united education profession, it is the best way to see the democracy of the NEA in action. J

The NEA Representative Assembly is the primary legislative and policymaking body of the National Education Association and derives its powers from, and is responsible to, the membership. The Representative Assembly adopts the strategic plan and budget, resolutions, the Legislative Program, and other policies of the Association. Delegates vote by secret ballot on proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. Those delegates with full voting rights elect the executive officers, Executive Committee members, and at-large members of the NEA Board of Directors, as appropriate. Check the NEA RA page for more information. 

Delegates from across the state of Missouri will participate in the NEA RA July 2-6. Missouri NEA's state delegates are elected by MNEA active members*. MNEA is committed to racial and ethnic minority involvement, and we are happy to report that the composition of the MNEA delegation has always been in proportion to the ethnic minority population within the state of Missouri.

*Eligible Active Members: Only NEA Active and Active Life may vote (MNEA Retired and Student members hold their own elections).

2025 Delegates

Delegates to the 2025 NEA RA (as of 3/11/2025)

MNEA Vice President Rebeka McIntosh will also serve as a state delegate as per the MNEA Bylaws. 

The list may be updated through the spring as local associations have elections. If you do not see the delegates for your local association on this list, please report them to Pam Koetting immediately by calling (573) 644-9601 or Lauren Vinson (, (573) 644-9606).

Local Associations:

Complete the Local Delegate reporting form

Local associations should complete and return the Local Association NEA RA Delegate reporting form by March 31 to Lauren Vinson (, (573) 644-9606). 

Find the form on the NEA RA website. Scroll down the page and select your state, or local association, and click on "Election Report Form." A form will be auto-generated that fills in your local association's information, including the number of delegates allocated based on your membership counts.

Questions? Call (573) 644-9606. 

Download and complete


STATE Delegates:

1) Accept NEA RA Credentials by March 31

Delegates to the NEA RA must submit a credential acceptance form to MNEA by 11:59 p.m. on March 31. If you miss the deadline, your position may be filled by an alternate. 

Accept Now 


2) Complete the NEA RA Registration & Order Form

NEA RA delegates have the opportunity to purchase event tickets, T-shirts and book hotel accommodations. You will not be able to purchase these items during the NEA RA. All items must be pre-purchased. 

Register Now (coming soon)


3) Plan to attend the Pre-NEA RA Caucus 

MNEA will hold the first delegate caucus on June 7, 2025. We will be going over a lot of important information, and you may lose partial funding if you miss this meeting. Watch your email for details.

State Delegate Election

State Delegate Election

Electronic Voting

The election for state delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly will be conducted electronically. State delegates are elected in two categories. Category I delegates are active members who are teachers, education support professionals, and other members not serving as supervisors or administrators. Category II delegates are active members who are supervisors or administrators whose duties include the evaluation of employees. A secret ballot election to elect 22* NEA RA Category I state delegates and one* Category II state delegate will be conducted by an electronic voting system between February 1 and March 1.  

Eligible** voting members will receive an electronic ballot at the home email address listed in their membership record. If you do not have access to email, you may request a mail-in ballot. The deadline to request a mail-in ballot is 12 noon Fri., Feb. 14. Mail-in ballots must be mailed and received at MNEA Headquarters no later than 5 p.m. on March 1

Request a mail-in ballot now >>

To vote electronically,

  1. You must click on the link you received through your personal email. 
  2. You can only cast your vote once. You will not be able to revise your ballot once you submit it electronically.
  3. You cannot use a link shared with you by another member. Each link accepts one and only one submission. If you did not receive your email and need your electronic link, contact MNEA at Lauren Vinson (, (573) 644-9606)

If you have questions regarding voting or the election process, contact Lauren Vinson (, (573) 644-9606).

*Numbers based on 2025 MNEA membership totals. The number of delegates allowed may change in 2026.
**Eligible Members: Only NEA Active and Active Life may vote (MNEA Retired and Student members hold their own elections).

Delegate Categories

Delegate Categories

Ex Officio Delegates

The MNEA president and NEA directors are eligible for ex officio delegate status to the NEA RA.

Local Delegates

Local delegates are elected by the members of a local affiliate, with one delegate for every 150 active members or a major fraction thereof. Presidents of locals eligible to elect local delegates (locals with 76 members or more) will receive local election information in early February via email from NEA. Members should contact their local presidents to learn the procedures, timelines, and reimbursement procedures for local delegates.

Cluster Delegates

Cluster delegates are elected by members of several locals that have networked to attain the minimum 76 members required for delegate eligibility. Members interested in being elected as cluster delegates should contact Lauren Vinson at 573-644-9606. Cluster delegate elections are conducted during March and April.

MNEA-Retired Delegates

MNEA-Retired members elect delegates from their membership to represent them at the NEA R.A. Only MNEA-Retired members may nominate, vote for or serve as retired delegates. The election of the MNEA-R delegates will be held at the MNEA-R annual meeting in April. Contact Pam Koetting at (573) 644-9601 for more information. 

Missouri Aspiring Educators Delegates

The number of delegates allocated for Aspiring Educators will be determined based on the number of college student members in the state. Only members of Aspiring Educators may nominate, vote for or serve as Aspiring Educator delegates. Contact Loren Propst ( at (573) 644-9616 if you are a member of Aspiring Educators and interested in becoming a delegate.