NEA RA State Delegate Credentials Acceptance Deadline

The NEA Representative Assembly is one of the largest democratic bodies in the nation. With more than 8,000 delegates representing the state and local NEA affiliates, Aspiring Educators, retired members, and others from the united education profession, it is the best way to see the democracy of the NEA in action. 

2025 State Delegate Credentials Acceptance

NEA Representative Assembly 
Portland, Oregon

Credential acceptance must be received by 11:59 p.m. on March 31, 2025, or your position will be filled by an alternate! 

Congratulations on your election! 

I hereby accept the credentials as a state delegate for Missouri NEA to the 2025 NEA Representative Assembly in Portland, OR July 2-6, 2025.

The pre-convention caucus of the Missouri delegation will take place virtually on Saturday, June 7th. Please watch your email for registration information.

The 2025 NEA Representative Assembly begins July 2 with the first state caucus at 9:00 am. The final session of the RA will end on the evening of July 6. You should plan to arrive in Portland on July 1 and return home on the morning of July 7th.  As a state delegate, you must agree to:

  • Attend all caucuses (including the virtual pre-RA on June 7).
  • Attend all sessions of the RA.
  • Vote in each election and/or business item.
  • Lodge at the hotel arranged for the MNEA delegation.

Upon agreement of these stipulations and submission of your Delegate Credentials Acceptance form, MNEA agrees to pay for the following expenses:

  • Airfare, train fare, or round-trip mileage (at the IRS rate per mile), capped at $400.
  • MNEA will pay for your hotel room according to the room selection below:

    *Single Room: Should you choose a single room, you will be responsible for paying half the cost of the room, any dates outside of July 1-6 (approximately $748.00) and incidentals upon checkout.

    *Double Room (with state delegate): Should you choose to share a room with another state delegate, MNEA will cover the entire cost of the room for July 1-6. You will be responsible for any nights outside of those dates and incidentals.  

    *Double Room (with local delegate): Should you choose to share a room with a local delegate, MNEA will cover the cost for the state delegate, and the local delegate will be responsible for the other half of the room upon checkout. You will both be responsible for any dates outside of July 1-6 and incidentals.
  • MNEA will advance $559 as per diem for meals and incidental expenses for the travel period required for the NEA RA. The per diem rate follows the CONUS (Continental United States) rates as published by the General Services Administration ( If you are unable to attend all or part of the RA, the adjusted or entirety of the per diem must be repaid to MNEA no later than July 30, 2025.  

Miscellaneous expenses considered to be either personal, unnecessary, or avoidable expenses incurred during travel may incur tax consequences. 

MNEA will not pay for the following expenses:

  • Airline or VIP club membership dues or one-day admission fees
  • Child-care fees
  • Personal care services, clothing, or toiletry items
  • Internet charges
  • Excess baggage costs
  • Expenses related to vacation or personal days taken before, during, or after travel
  • Frequent flyer miles
  • Credit card and Airline Rewards program/points
  • Travel credit or gift cards used for travel
  • Laundry or cleaning expenses, unless emergency circumstances are documented and approved
  • Loss or theft of cash advance money or airline tickets
  • Loss or theft of personal funds or property
  • Lost baggage
  • Luggage and briefcases
  • Magazines, newspapers, personal reading materials
  • Medical expenses while traveling
  • Mini-bar alcoholic refreshments
  • Movies, personal entertainment
  • No show charges for hotel or car service
  • Pet care
  • Recreational expenses
  • Saunas, massages, spa visits
  • Shoeshines
  • Souvenirs or personal gifts
  • Tips
  • Ride share cost, if transportation is provided

Acceptance of your state delegate credentials means that you agree to comply with the stipulations described above. If, for any reason, you are unable to fulfill your responsibilities as state delegate after non-refundable expenses are incurred by Missouri NEA, you must reimburse MNEA for those expenses. Requests for exceptions to this policy must be made in writing and approved by the president or their designee.

Your Name
Race or Ethnicity

Check all that apply.
Demographics Compliance Data (MNEA Bylaw 3-1(g))

(board member, local association officer, building representative)
What is your position?