Register your Educators Rising chapter for Fall Conference

Each of the three fall conferences will have a similar agenda: a keynote, learning about EdRising competitions, skill-building, a campus tour, and round-table discussions with professionals working in different fields of education. The breakout topics and the keynotes will vary by location.

The registration deadline for each conference is two weeks before the conference. 

Questions? Program Services Administrative Assistant Olivia Compton (, (417) 569-1401).


Wed., Oct. 4

9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

University of Central Missouri
Warrensburg, MO
($15 per person) 

Register Now

Wed., Oct. 11

9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

University of Missouri-St. Louis
Saint Louis, MO
($15 per person) 

Register Now

Wed., Oct. 25

9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Missouri State University
Springfield, MO
($15 per person) 

Register Now


Educators Rising allows students in grades 7-12 to explore careers in education, which is an important step in preparing quality teachers for tomorrow’s schools. PDK International is the national sponsor of EdRising, and Missouri NEA is the state coordinator. To find out more about Educators Rising-Missouri visit