MNEA-Retired: Run for office or NEA/MNEA Representative Assembly delegate


MNEA-Retired Election: Declaration of Candidacy

Wondering how you can become more involved in MNEA-Retired? Run for office or delegate to the MNEA, NEA-Retired,  and NEA Representative Assemblies. 

MNEA-Retired officers and delegates will be elected before their Annual Meeting in April using online voting. If you are a retired member, use the form below to submit your intention to run for office or delegate.

Candidates who complete and return a Declaration of Candidacy form by the deadline (5 p.m. Feb. 14, 2025).

  • Will be listed in the election information given to delegates.
  • May submit a headshot and biography no longer than 150 words to be included with the ballot.
  • Candidates have a chance to give a one-minute speech via the MNEA-Retired Zoom Meeting on Feb. 20. This meeting will be recorded for other MNEA-Retired members to view.

All nominations should be made with the consent of the nominee.


Election 2025: Declaration of Candidacy

Deadline: Feb. 14, 2025

Tell us about yourself

I am an MNEA-Retired member in good standing. I understand that I must be an MNEA-Retired member to serve as an officer in the Association. I hereby declare that I am either an MNEA-Retired Life member or will continue my MNEA-Retired annual membership while I am serving as a member of the MNEA-Retired Executive Council or delegate.

I am declaring my candidacy for the following position(s): 

Please check all that apply. 

(two-year term 2025-26 & 2026-27)
(two-year term 2025-26 & 2026-27)
(two-year term 2025-26 & 2026-27)
(two-year term 2025-26 & 2026-27)
(two-year term 2025-26 & 2026-27)
(two-year term 2025-26 & 2026-27)
(one-year term)
June. 29 - July 6, 2025 in Portland, OR
The MNEA-Retired president will serve automatically. Those running for NEA RA delegates who are not elected will serve as alternates. 
(two-year term)
Spring 2026 and Spring 2027
The MNEA-Retired president and vice president will serve automatically. Those running for MNEA RA delegates who are not elected will serve as alternates. 


Candidate Statement and Photo

Candidates should include a statement of no more than 150 words and a photograph of themselves, preferably a headshot. The statement should take one of three forms: a summary of biographical information and MNEA experience written in the third person, a personal statement written in the first person, or a combination of the two. The statement and photograph will appear on the state ballot.

MNEA will not make any editorial changes to your statement unless it is more than 150 words, in which case the submission will be truncated at the 150-word point.
Choose a picture from your computer to include with your candidate submission. 
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.