National Education Support Professionals Day

Wednesday of American Education Week

In 1987, the NEA Representative Assembly called for the creation of a special way to honor the contributions of school support staff. National Education Support Professional Day was first celebrated that year. Each year since then, ESP Day has been observed on the Wednesday of each American Education Week.

Help MNEA celebrate

To help us celebrate ESP Day, share the images below on your social media. Accompany the image with a special message about why you think public education is important to all Americans or use one of the blurbs below. 

At-mention @MissouriNEA to tell us how your school celebrated American Education Week, using hashtag #AEW24. Share why you feel public education in America is important. 

  • Happy Education Support Professionals Day! 😍You are appreciated every day. Schools just would not function without the dedicated service of support staff like cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers, paraprofessionals, and nurses. Wed., Nov. 20 is for celebrating you and you and you! 👏👏👏 #AEW24