Due Date: NEA RA Local Association Delegate Reporting Form

submission deadline

Local associations should complete and return the Local Association NEA RA Delegate reporting form by April 10 to Lauren Vinson (lauren.vinson@mnea.org, (573) 644-9606).

Find the form on the NEA RA website. Scroll down the page and select your state, or local association, and click on "Election Report Form." A form will be auto-generated that fills in your local association's information, including the number of delegates allocated based on your membership counts.

Questions? Call (573) 644-9606. 

Delegate and Alternate Reporting Form (Fall RA)

Please use this form to report delegates and alternates for the MNEA Representative Assembly. 

Deadline to report delegates and alternates: Oct. 15


Local Information


Your Contact Information 

(person submitting the form)



Membership Details

The number of delegates is based on how many members are in your local association. Your local is entitled to 1 delegate per 50 members or a major fraction thereof.


Delegates and Alternates

Please provide the names of the delegates for your local association, writing each name on a separate line. 
Please provide the names of the alternates for your local association, writing each name on a separate line.