Due Date: Local Leadership Update Form

Due Date: June 1 

This form helps update critical systems within Missouri NEA that allow us to serve and communicate effectively with your local association. Please take the time to carefully review and complete the information on this form. 

It is especially important that we have accurate email addresses for leaders. Please submit updates annually prior to the new school year. 

Deadline: June 1
Local Association
UniServ Unit
Local Association Mailing Address


Local Leader Information


President Contact Information

(must be personal email, not work)
President Phone Number

Vice President Contact Information

(note: must be personal email, not work)
Vice President Phone Number

Treasurer Contact Information

(note: must be personal email, not work)
Treasurer Phone Number

Membership Chair Contact Information

(note: must be personal email, not work)
Membership Chair Phone Number

Secretary Contact Information

Other Chairs/Leaders


Membership Profile Information


Current number of members:

Current number of non-members:

Total potential membership:

Local bargaining status
 (check all that apply)
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, zip.



Please email your UniServ director a copy of your form submission receipt and a current list of association/building reps for your local association. 

Grievance Chair

Negotiations Chair 

Political Action Committee Chair

Communications Chair 

Member Benefits Coordinator

Professional Development Coordinator