Due Date: Back-To-School Leader Visit Request Form

submission deadline

Request a visit from an MNEA Leader or Member Benefits 

Submit the form below to request the MNEA leaders or Member Benefits staff to come to one of your back-to-school events. 

If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact Lauren Vinson (lauren.vinson@mnea.org, (573) 644-9606) or Pam Koetting (pam.koetting@mnea.org, (573) 644-9601). 

Back-To-School Request Form

Your new teacher welcome and district-wide back-to-school meetings are great opportunities to have MNEA touch base with your members and potential members. MNEA is happy to assist your local association in many ways: personal visits, speaking engagements, and provide additional materials. These events can be personalized to fit the needs of your local association or district requirements.

Discover the hidden value of belonging to a strong national and state organization-saving money! Member Benefits is happy to help you at your back-to-school events, establish a member benefits fair, or provide training to your building reps and local leaders.

Requests are handled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Deadline to submit requests: July 1


Type of Request
Your local association would like to invite the MNEA president to attend and possibly speak at an event in your school district.
Your local association would like MNEA Member Benefits to attend your event.

Local Information


Local Association Contact Information 



Event Details

Duration of the Event
Will local leaders be in attendance at this event?
Will local members be in attendance at this event?
Expected Number of Participants
Event Location (address)
Type of Back-To-School Event (MNEA Leader Request)
Type of Back-To-School Event (MNEA Member Benefits Request)