Deadline to submit MNEA RA delegates and alternates

submission deadline

MNEA local associations elect delegates and alternates to represent their members at the MNEA Representative Assembly. The delegates vote on business items, MNEA Resolutions, elect officers, approve budgets, and conduct other miscellaneous business of the state association.

The form to report delegates can be submitted online below.

Delegates should register for the MNEA RA activities (including pre-RA discussions) and download the RA packet. The delegate packet containing information about the R.A. will be available online 30 days prior to the RA. Find more information about the RA at

For more information, contact Lauren Vinson (, (573) 644-9606)..

Manager of Enterprise Operations: Pam Koetting ( 644-9601)
Executive Administrative Assistant: Lauren Vinson (, (573) 644-9606).