Due Date: NEA RA State Delegate Candidate Statements

NEA Representative Assembly 2025

July 2-July 6, 2025
Portland, Oregon

Missouri’s delegate allocation will be made based on membership as of January 2025. Last year, Missouri was allowed to elect 23 state delegates to the NEA RA. Delegates are elected in two categories:  

  • Category I:  Active members who are teachers, education support professionals, and other active members not serving as supervisors or administrators.
  • Category II:  Active members who are supervisors or administrators.

For more than 25 years, Missouri NEA has demonstrated the strength of its leadership diversity by electing racial and ethnic minority delegates to the NEA RA in proportion to the minority populations in our state. To continue this achievement, we must strive to actively identify and recruit racial and ethnic minority members to run for state delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly.  

Aspiring Educators-Missouri delegates are elected in the spring. If you are a member of Aspiring Educators and interested in running for delegate, contact Rebeka McIntosh to declare your candidacy. 

MNEA-Retired delegates will be elected at their Annual Meeting in April. If you are a retired member, contact Pam Koetting to declare your candidacy. 

The deadline to declare your candidacy for the NEA RA election is Jan. 15. For more information about the NEA RA or to declare your candidacy by mail, contact Lauren Vinson (lauren.vinson@mnea.org, (573) 644-9606).

Declare your candidacy for NEA RA state delegate